arduino robotics john-david warren

Chapter The Motor Does Not Start

Pages 626
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arduino robotics john-david warren


This book was written for anyone interested in learning more about the Arduino and robotics in general.
Though some projects are geared toward college students and adults, several early chapters cover
robotics projects suitable for middle-school to high-school students. I will not, however, place an age
restriction on the material in this book, since I have seen some absolutely awesome projects created by
makers both young and old.
Ultimately, you will need to be able to use some basic power tools, hand tools, a voltage meter, and
soldering iron. Do not worry if you are not yet experienced in these areas, as your first experience will get
you well on your way (you have to start somewhere)! Just like riding a bike, you will get better at it the
more you do it.
If you are an experienced robot builder, you will likely be able to improve upon some of my
methods. If, however, you are a beginner, you might end up with a few extra holes drilled in the wrong
spot, a wheel that is not mounted perfectly straight, or a downright ugly robot. Do not worry about trying
to complete every step perfectly the first time; do your best the first time around and then go back and
improve upon it later. It is better to have an imperfect robot that you can work on than no robot at all
because you were too afraid to try!

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