Pulmonology MCQs

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Patient with spontaneous primary pneumothorax should be referred to thoracic surgeon if:

1. Pneumothorax persist >5 days. 2. Patient himself wants a surgical treatment. 3. Lung is collapsed totally. 4. Patient is passenger aircraft flight attendant. 5. Patient is army aircraft pilot.
  • A. 1, 2, 3.
  • B. 1, 2, 4, 5.
  • C. 2, 3, 4
  • D. 2, 3, 4, 5.
  • Correct Answer: Option B

Pleurodesis is manipulation for:

  • A. Separation of adhesions in pleural space.
  • B. Artificial obliteration of pleural space.
  • C. Treatment of empyema.
  • D. Installation of air in pleural space with the aim to collapse infected lung
  • Correct Answer: Option B

To lower respiratory tract infections belong the following except:

  • A. Bronchiectasis exacerbation.
  • B. Influenza
  • C. Community-acquired pneumonia
  • D. Maxillary sinusitis.
  • Correct Answer: Option D

Characteristic of an exacerbation of COPD is:

  • A. Increased dyspnoea and cough and/or amount of sputum.
  • B. New focal changes on chest X-ray.
  • C. Increased body temperature > 5 days.
  • D. Hypotension > 2days.
  • Correct Answer: Option A

In case of acute bronchitis antibiotics are necessary to use:

  • A. Always.
  • B. If body temperature > 38.5 ºC.
  • C. If body temperature < 38.5 ºC
  • D. Patient has chronic heart failure, Functional Classification II (NYHA).
  • Correct Answer: Option D

To lower respiratory tract syndrome belongs:

1. Cough.
2. Sputum and dyspnoea.
3. Chest discomfort.
4. Symptoms > 21 day.
5. Symptoms < 21 day.
  • A. 1, 2, 3, 5.
  • B. 2, 3, 4
  • C. 1, 2, 3, 4
  • Correct Answer: Option C

For acute bronchitis is not characteristic:

  • A. Dry and exhausting cough.
  • B. Dyspnoea
  • C. Rhinitis
  • D. Increased body temperature.
  • Correct Answer: Option D

A 67-year-old man is admitted to the Emergency Department complaining of a 2-3 day history of breathlessness. His admission SpO2 is 85% on air. Peripherally he is clubbed with central cyanosis. He has a barrel chest and auscultation reveals scattered expiratory wheeze. His cardiac examination is normal. His respiratory rate is 28 breath/min and his only medication is codeine 30 mg PRN for back pain. What is the most likely cause for his desaturation?

  • A. Basal atelectasis.
  • B. COPD
  • C. Eisenmenger's syndrome
  • D. Opiate mediated respiratory depression.
  • Correct Answer: Option B

A 65-year-old man presents with breathlessness. His trachea is deviated to the left. There are absent breath sounds to the right mid zone. Percussion note is stony dull in this region with decreased fremitus pectoralis. The most likely diagnosis is:

  • A. Asthma.
  • B. Bronciecthasis
  • C. Pleural effusion
  • D. Pneumoniae
  • Correct Answer: Option C

Which complication of COPD can affect the level of patient consciousness?

  • A. Bullous emphysema.
  • B. Pneumothorax
  • C. Clubbing
  • D. Hypercapnia
  • Correct Answer: Option D