Thermal power station Boilers

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Thermal power station Boilers



This textbook has been written as
a higher-education course in steam
boilers for thermal power stations.
It presents the theory of the processes
which occur in steam boilers, designs
of boilers for thermal power stations
and steam generators for nuclear power
stations, and the operating principles
of boilers and steam generators.
The material in the book is based
on four fundamental principles which
are closely interrelated and reflect
the current stale of progress in science
and technology: (1) the physics ico-chemical
processes in the fuel, gas-air, and
water-steam paths of modern high capacity
boilers; (2) the correlation
between these physicochemical processes
and the design, layout and
arrangement of steam boilers and their
elements; (3) advanced technological
processes and their technical and economical
substantiation; and (4) the
carrel ation between the processes occurring
in boilers and the principles
of boiler operation. This method of
analysis encourages the optimal selection
of technological processes, boiler
designs, and operating regimes.
At the beginning of the course, we
explain the role and place of the steam
boiler in the general scheme of electric
power production at modern highcapacity
steam-turbine power stations,
give the classification of steam boliers,
describe the functions of the principal
boiler elem ents and, in introductory
form , the physico-chemical processes
which occur in the water-steam,
fuel and gas-air paths of boilers.
Thus, the students are immediately
introduced to the range of topics which
are later discussed in more detail .
A number of chapters are devoted

to power-producing fu els and their
characteristics , fu el prepnration for
combustion , the theoretical princi pIes
of combustion, techn ology of fuel
combustion , and effi ciency with which
heat is utilized in steam boilers.
Next the hook focuses on the principles
of hydrodynamics and the temperature
and water conditions in steam
boilers. This constitutes the r ange of
probl ems r elated to the procc!:ses of
steam generation.
Having studied the processes of fu el
combustion and steam generation, the
reader is acquainted with several particular
designs of s team boilers and
steam boiler elements. Special emphasis
is placed on the processes and plants
for high and supercritical steam parameters,
monobloc units, the uLilization
of non-traditional fuel s, and
methods for increasing the reliability
and efficiency of power plant equipment.
Furtheron, the book explains tlw
principles, stages and sequence of heat
and hydraulic calculations for steam
boilers, including data on the application
of el ectronic computers and
the development of mathematical models
of steam boilers. Tho concluding
chapters are of a generalized nature
and describe certain particular designs
of modern steam boilers, trends
in their development, and principles
of boiler operation.
In view of recent progress and perspectives
in nuclear power engineering
and the construction of high-capacity
nuclear power stations, of l arge theoretical
and practical interest are data
on tho steam generators of nuclear power
stations. For the first time in
higher-education textbooks, some pro-
cesses occurring in the steam boilers
of thermal power stali!)ns and steam
generators of nuclear power st~t~ons
are discussed in parallel. In addttiOn,
a separate chapter is devoted solely
to the steam generators of nuclear
power stations.
Tho authors have carefully selected
the illustrations for the book. For
deeper analysis of the proble~s hei~g
studied different types of b01ler cucuits
a~d designs are compared in illustrations.
In some illustrations, boilers
or their elements are shown in a
simplified form to facilitate the reader’s
understanding of how they function
and the processes which take
place in thoro.
many years of lectw·ing a course on
steam generators of power stations at
the l\•foscow power engineering institute,
which has been initiated by Academician
M. A. Styrikovich.
The authors would like to express
special tl18nks to their colleagues on
tho faculty of steam generators of
power stations at tho 1\’loscow pow~r
engineering inslitule [faculty cha•r
Prof. V. S. Protopopov, Dr. Sc. (Eng.)],
the reviewers or the book, the faculty
of steam generators at the Saratov
polytechnical institute [faculty chair
Prof. A. V. Zmachinsky, Dr. Sc.
(Eng.)] and B. I. Shmukler, Cand.
Sc. (Eng.), for their valuable comments
on the manuscript.