Nutrition and Transport in Vascular Plants MCQs

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Which of the following would be the most effective strategy to remove toxic heavy metals from a soil?

  • A. heavy irrigation to leach out the heavy metals
  • B. application of fertilizers to compete with heavy metal uptake
  • C. adding plant species that have the ability to take up and accumulate heavy metals
  • D. inoculating soil with mycorrhizae to avoid heavy metal uptake
  • Correct Answer: Option C

Nitrogen fixation is a process that

  • A. recycles nitrogen compounds from dead and decaying materials.
  • B. converts ammonia to ammonium.
  • C. releases nitrate from the rock substrate.
  • D. converts nitrogen gas into ammonia.
  • Correct Answer: Option D

Rhizobia, actinomycetes, and cyanobacteria all share the common feature that they can

  • A. increase water uptake in plants.
  • B. increase nutrient availability in the soil for plants.
  • C. kill parasites in the soil
  • D. fix atmospheric nitrogen.
  • Correct Answer: Option D

Carnivorous plants have evolved mechanisms that trap and digest small animals. The products of this digestion are used to supplement the plant’s supply of

  • A. energy.
  • B. carbohydrates
  • C. minerals
  • D. water
  • Correct Answer: Option C

What are epiphytes?

  • A. aerial vines common in tropical regions
  • B. haustoria used for anchoring to host plants and obtaining xylem sap
  • C. plants that live in poor soil and digest insects to obtain nitrogen
  • D. plants that grow on other plants but do not obtain nutrients from their hosts
  • Correct Answer: Option D

The earliest vascular plants on land had underground stems (rhizomes) but no roots. Water and mineral nutrients were most likely obtained by

  • A. absorption by hairs and trichomes.
  • B. absorption by mycorrhizae.
  • C. osmosis through the root hairs.
  • D. diffusion across the cuticle of the rhizome.
  • Correct Answer: Option B

Hyphae form a covering over roots. These hyphae create a large surface area that helps to do which of the following?

  • A. aid in absorbing minerals and ions
  • B. maintain cell shape
  • C. increase cellular respiration
  • D. protect the roots from ultraviolet light
  • Correct Answer: Option A

An example of a mutualistic association between a plant and a fungus would be

  • A. nitrogen fixation.
  • B. Rhizobium infection.
  • C. mycorrhizae
  • D. parasitic infection.
  • Correct Answer: Option C

Upregulation of leghemoglobin biosynthesis in a leguminous species would most likely indicate

  • A. the plant is suffering from a mineral deficiency.
  • B. the successful inoculation of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
  • C. the plant is suffering from water stress.
  • D. an increase in the biosynthesis of amino acids.
  • Correct Answer: Option B

You are weeding your garden when you accidentally expose some roots of your pea plants. You notice swellings (root nodules) on the roots, and there is a reddish tinge to the ones you accidentally damaged. Most likely your pea plants

  • A. suffer from a mineral deficiency.
  • B. are benefiting from a mutualistic bacterium.
  • C. are developing offshoots from the root.
  • D. contain developing insect pupa.
  • Correct Answer: Option B