Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics 5th Edition By Michael J. Moran

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Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics 5th Edition By Michael J. Moran



In this fifth edition we have retained the objectives of the first four editions:
 to present a thorough treatment of engineering thermodynamics from the classical viewpoint,
 to provide a sound basis for subsequent courses in fluid mechanics and heat transfer, and
 to prepare students to use thermodynamics in engineering practice.
While the fifth edition retains the basic organization and level of the previous editions,
we have introduced several enhancements proven to be effective for student learning. Included
are new text elements and interior design features that help students understand and
apply the subject matter. With this fifth edition, we aim to continue our leadership in effective
pedagogy, clear and concise presentations, sound developments of the fundamentals, and
state-of-the-art engineering applications.
 An engaging new feature called “Thermodynamics in the News” is introduced
in every chapter. News boxes tie stories of current interest to concepts discussed
in the chapter. The news items provide students with a broader context for their
learning and form the basis for new Design and Open Ended problems in each chapter.
 Other class-tested content changes have been introduced:
–A new discussion of the state-of-the-art of fuel cell technology (Sec. 13.4).
–Streamlined developments of the energy concept and the first law of thermodynamics
(Secs. 2.3 and 2.5, respectively).
–Streamlined developments of the mass and energy balances for a control volume
(Secs. 4.1 and 4.2, respectively).
–Enhanced presentation of second law material (Chap. 5) clearly identifies key concepts.
–Restructuring of topics in psychrometrics (Chap. 12) and enthalpy of combustion and
heating values (Chap. 13) further promotes student understanding.
–Functional use of color facilitates data retrieval from the appendix tables.
 End-of-chapter problems have been substantially refreshed. As in previous editions, a
generous collection of problems is provided. The problems are classified under headings
to assist instructors in problem selection. Problems range from confidence-building
exercises illustrating basic skills to more challenging ones that may involve several
components and require higher-order thinking.
 The end-of-chapter problems are organized to provide students with the opportunity to
develop engineering skills in three modes:
–Conceptual. See Exercises: Things Engineers Think About.
–Skill Building. See Problems: Developing Engineering Skills.
–Design. See Design and Open ended Problems: Exploring Engineering Practice.
 The comfortable interior design from previous editions has been enhanced with an even
more learner-centered layout aimed at enhancing student understanding.